Advantages of Uiutil ==================== * Frames and Widgets are added to the current frame automatically. No need to pass the frame/window/parent to the frame or widget. * Easier positioning * No more widget.grid() calls. * Grid parameters are supplied directly to widgets * Positioning with ``START``, ``NEXT``, ``FIRST``, ``LAST`` * No need to supply a row or column value if it's the same as the previous widget. * Variables are provided for free. * No need to declare them. * No need to reference them. * Use ``widget.value`` instead of ``var.get()`` * Use ``widget.value = `` instead of ``var.set()`` * Associate objects and display values. (Widgets can return more than just IntVat, StringVar and BoolVar) * Easier field validation * Easier Scroll frames * SwitchBox widget: multiple checkboxes * RadioBox widget: multiple radio buttons * Dynamic Tooltips on widgets * Images on Buttons and Labels * Image mapping - multiple targets on an image Label